For those of you who have been actively keeping up with my fitness journey, you’ll know that I started a new program the beginning of this year.  I joined the program hosted by the cutest and most helpful coach!  Today starts my 3rd 6 week round.  Diet and fitness questions seem to be some of the most repetitive questions I’ve been getting, so I’m trying to keep all of those answered here on my blog.

I would also like to thank all of you for cheering me on up to my first ever professional fitness photo shoot that was last Thursday with GT Studios out of Navasota and glam director Versy Picone from here in College Station.  I pushed super hard the 10 days prior to the shoot, and then I cheated all weekend long on my diet, but still continued to work out. I am actually excited to start back on the normal fitness challenge, because it is actually much easier than what I put myself through the 10 days before the shoot.  I cannot wait to share the images, as I have seen a few sneak peeks myself.  I am beyond pleased and impressed with how they turned out, but I won’t be sharing for a little while because we are trying to tackle a fun project with them first!  So your patience is greatly appreciated, even though I know y’all are itching to see them!

Ok so the top reasons I love this fitness program are as follows:

  1.  I get to eat carbs!  I actually get to eat way more carbs than I have in years.  Probably my hardest struggle the first few weeks was not being able to hit my carb goals for the day.  I used to always feel so guilty whenever I ate carbs, but that guilt is gone and I know my body needs them for energy!  We do still carb cycle and cut carbs on some days, but about 75-80% of the days I get to eat A LOT of carbs and I am loving that!
  2. I actually save money from cooking at home and using most of the groceries I buy, rather than throwing away food that has gone bad or wasting away so much money at restaurants.  The cool part though is you don’t have to meal prep or cook from home.  You could easily follow and reach your daily diet guidelines while eating out, because the app we use has the nutritional contents listed at all major restaurants.  Blue Baker here in College Station is one of my favorites, and their menu is even fully listed.  I know this restaurant isn’t a very popular restaurant across the state or nation (for my out of state followers), so that’s just letting you know how in depth of restaurants the food diary app is.
  3. I am held super accountable by the group.  Every evening we report in to the group with our food diaries from the day.  Some days we have to turn in certain pictures from our workouts or to show we are drinking enough water.  For me, the accountability of the group and not “letting them down” keeps me staying on track.  If you don’t like the idea of this, I know Lindsay does have certain program members who report their daily macros straight to her.
  4. I get rest days.  Yes, there are usually 2 rest days within a week.  This program is challenging with the workouts, but it is not a 7 day a week program.  That makes it easy for me to keep following.
  5. No two days in a row are the exact same.  The diet guidelines and type of workouts we do change with every single day of the week. This keeps the program from becoming too redundant or from making me feel like I can only eat the same things over and over or like I have to constantly cut out the same things.
  6. I can switch my days around to where it better fits my schedule.  As long as I get all 7 days of the week in, it’s okay if I switch them around to better fit my work or traveling schedule of that upcoming week or weekend.  This flexibility is huge for me, and again makes this a great program to continue and really turn into a lifestyle.
  7. I feel I have a cheering section.  I really feel that I have Lindsay and all the team members cheering me on to be my best.  I know I can ask Lindsay any question or I can ask her to make certain days harder or easier on me after listening to my body, and that is a great feeling to have a coach who is accessible every day.  I also have seen other group members who have struggled with diet, exercise or even personal issues who have been uplifted by others within our group.
  8. More and more people I know in real life (as well as from my blog and social media) are starting to do it.  Now I have multiple friends I can ask to go work out who are following the same program as me.  There are days I like to work out alone, but more often than not, I really enjoy working out with friends.  It allows me to get my “friend” time in without taking away from my busy work schedule.  Getting my workouts in is now an active part of my work schedule!
  9. It’s husband/family friendly!  Because the diet isn’t too strict, even Grant follows along the diet portion with me.  Just like how I like to have people to work out with (especially those doing the same workouts as me), I also enjoy having people in my life who follow the same diet guidelines.  Because this isn’t too strict, you still are allowed to eat a lot of calories and also carbs, I feel it’s easier when you don’t have to make your lunch or dinner separate from what your family is eating.  Since my family only consists of Grant, myself and Bucky – I’m calling it husband friendly!
  10. I seriously FEEL great.  I’m not scale obsessed or counting calorie obsessed, either.  Having to stay accountable to this group is also making me be more mindful of taking care of myself in other ways like getting enough sleep, drinking enough water and so on.  I am not a fan of a binge diet, I prefer a lifestyle that makes me FEEL good.  I know people who have felt results from a mental standpoint too, and I would equally agree.  It is so nice to have found my fit!
  11. And the last reason I’m digging this program: I AM GETTING SOME INCREDIBLE RESULTS BECAUSE IT WORKS.  MIC DROP!!!

So wish me luck on these next upcoming 6 weeks as I continue to maintain the results I’ve gotten and further tone my muscles.  I’m not looking to lose weight, but maintaining for me does still take quite a bit of work.  Our current program is no longer available, but if you’re interested in doing Lindsay’s 4 week program, you can get that info here.  The next 6 week program (which is what I personally do and highly recommend) will start in May (prep week begins the 14th and Week 1 starts the 21st) and that info is linked here.

Thank you all for continuing to follow and support me on my journey!




